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Structural Color

Structural Color

Did you know that the beautiful colors of their wings often arise not through pigments but through a phenomenon called structural color? A way nature creates color is with a nanostructure that reflects or scatters light so that waves of specific frequencies can constructively interfere. These nanostructured materials are said to have structural color.

Creativenature Creativity and Biomimicry Course

Creativenature Creativity and Biomimicry Course

Nature as a source of creativity: creativeNature is a creativity and biomimicry course. Learn Biomimicry fundamentals for innovative ideas, designs, and solutions. Creative Nature is a 30-day email course with a creative Biomimicry Playbook, audio, and video elements.
Understand the fundamental concepts of nature and how you can practically integrate Biomimicry into your daily life and profession to boost your creativity. Learn tools for nature-inspired innovations and use them directly for your own project. Be inspired by the beauty and wonders of nature and reconnect with it. Change your perspective on the living world and discover how Biomimicry can help create a sustainable future.

Unraveling Climate Neutrality

Unraveling Climate Neutrality

The term “climate neutrality” has become a buzzword in sustainability conversations. But what exactly does climate neutrality mean, and why is it so crucial in our actions against the climate crisis?
Let’s dive into the concept of climate neutrality and discover what it means and does not mean.



Die Natur als Kreativitätsquelle ist ein 30-tägiger E-mail Kurs mit einem kreativen Biomimicry Playbook, Audio- und Videoelementen.
Verstehe die grundlegenden Konzepte der Natur und wie Du ganz praktisch beginnen kannst Biomimicry in Deinem Alltag und Beruf zu integrieren und Deine Kreativität zu beflügeln. Lerne Werkzeuge für natur-inspirierte Innovationen kennen, und nutze sie direkt für Dein eigenes Projekt. Lass Dich von der Schönheit und den Wundern der Natur inspirieren und verbinde Dich wieder mit ihr.
Verändere Deine Sicht auf die belebte Welt und entdecke wie Biomimicry helfen kann eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu schaffen.

Life’s Principles: Unlocking Nature’s Design Secrets through Biomimicry

Life’s Principles: Unlocking Nature’s Design Secrets through Biomimicry

At the core of biomimicry lie the Life’s Principles, a set of universal design guidelines derived from the patterns and strategies found in nature. These principles serve as a framework for sustainable and regenerative solutions, offering insights into how organisms have adapted and flourished over time. By emulating these principles, we can create solutions that are efficient and resilient and in harmony with the natural world.

Double Materiality

Double Materiality

The new stricter requirements for sustainability reporting resulting, among others, from the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) demand to define and report about the most material topics of a business with a double materiality perspective. But what does this mean? Double materiality implies that not only the impact of the planet and society on a company is considered significant, but also the impact of the company on the planet and society.

ISO 26000 Guideline for social responsibility

ISO 26000 Guideline for social responsibility

ISO 26000 provides guidance on a wide range of social responsibility issues, including human rights, labor practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development. The standard encourages organizations to take a comprehensive and integrated approach to social responsibility, rather than addressing issues in isolation.

The butterfly diagram of the circular economy

The butterfly diagram of the circular economy

You may already know the concept of a technical and biological cycle as a framework for the circular economy. For transitioning to a circular economy, the two main cycles are divided into smaller loops which show the processes that enable materials and products to stay in circulation or sagely biodegrade. We will have a closer look at how these cycles work with the help of the famous so-called butterfly diagram.

Circular economy

Circular economy

Have you heard that our current economic system should transform into a circular economy, and you have wondered what this means?
When discussing the transition to a circular economy, the first necessary step is understanding what a circular economy is.

Three common sustainability strategies

Three common sustainability strategies

There exist three main strategies for converting existing business practices to more sustainable forms:
1. Efficiency strategy
2. Consistency Strategy „Circular economy. “
3. Sufficiency Strategy „Wellbeing instead of well having. “
These strategies are an excellent tool for brainstorming sessions and finding sustainable solutions.